Sonntag, 11. Dezember 2016

Chapter 20 - Lost in the Dark

Chapter 20

The atmosphere of departure was omnipresent for the rest of the day. Half of the men went hunting when night started to fall and they took Samu along for reasons I couldn’t quite interpret. Maybe it was their way of showing us that we were included. Maybe it was some act to keep us apart and demonstrate us that our chances to leave this place were minimized at all times.
I was tired and felt weak to my bones but the work somehow kept me standing. I carried water all day, worked around the fireplace and in the smokebox beside the main hut and before long I also took care of the wounded.
Young Bjarte removed his bandage himself and ogled me up and down with a curious look in his bright blue eyes.
“So what’s it like?” he suddenly asked and I looked up from his wound, cocking my eyebrow.
“It has healed well.” Carefully I wiped around the cut, throwing a gaze in the direction of the upstairs bedrooms where hopefully Yorick was finally resting again, after almost fainting when I had cleaned out his wound only minutes ago.
Bjarte by my side chuckled. “I mean the place you came from, Embla. What’s it like?”
“Well, we got showers, health insurance and 400 PS cars.” I answered drily, feeling the sudden urge to lay down as well. Rubbing my eyes, I tried to smile into his surprised face.
“It is different.” I corrected softly, sitting down next to him on the bench by the warm fire. “I think almost everything is different.”
“Can you tell me about it?” he moved closer to me, wrapping his hand around his elbow. “I’ve heard so many stories about Asgard, but I never actually heard about a person falling off the Bifröst and right into Midgard.”
I chuckled a little insecure. “Let’s thank the Gods for not dropping us over Joutenheim, don’t you think?”
“Or Niflheim!” he nodded in agreement. “So tell me, what’s it like in Asgard?”
Starring into the flames, I rubbed my eyes again, trying to give the boy by my side a smile. “It is bright and beautiful. You won’t believe just how much light there is. The people there, the Aesir, are different. Their way of living, the fighting, the wars. Everything is so much more developed and ahead of this time.”
Looking into his shining eyes, I couldn’t help patting his cheek. “Compared to this place, everything is shiny and advanced.”
“When will you go home? You miss it, don’t you?”
“I do.” I confirmed. “But I won’t go anywhere until all our tasks at this place are fulfilled.”
“The sacred child.” He nodded knowingly, winking at me. “But you like your God-given man, so that should not be a problem, right?”
I gave a surprised chuckle. “Don’t you be so saucy, young man!” Wagging my finger at him I got up from the bench. “I might tell my old companion Thor that you are not well behaved!”
“Are you telling me that Thor is well behaved?” he retorted, making me chuckle again.
“Maybe not.”
“Seeress!” a sudden yell made my head spin around and I gathered my dress when I saw one of the women waving at me from the upstairs storey.
“What is it?” I rushed over to her and she beckoned me closer.
“He has problems breathing!” the woman sounded anxious and I rubbed her upper arm, shooing her downstairs.
“Water and another pillow.” I commanded, shoving the curtains aside to find Yorick on his grandfather’s bed with a worried expression on his face.
“What can we do for him, Seeress?” he asked and I kneeled down next to the old shaman.
His breathing had become more and more laboured and his skin felt damp and cold.
“Bestefar!” I whispered, running my hand along his wrinkled cheek and down to his neck to feel his pulse. The old man didn’t reply and I was quick to open his shirting to put my ear down on his sunken chest.
He didn’t cough and from everything I could tell he didn’t have a fever or another illness. But his torso felt as cold as his hands.
“A blanket.” I demanded softly, squeezing Yorick’s fingers. “Get him another blanket and let one of the women start the fire again. I will have the servants prepare some tea while I stay with him.”
Yorick nodded immediately, getting up to fetch another fur from the bed next door. Very carefully he put it over the old man.
“I will send for my father.” He stated in a very low voice. “Will he last the night, Seeress?”
Tenderly I touched the tousled white hair on the pillow and shrugged. “I don’t know.” I whispered back, feeling a sudden ache in my heart.
“You do, Seeress.” Yorick whispered back and I felt his fingertips running along my forearm. “You have goosebumps, you feel the cold. Death is near.”
Swallowing hard, I lowered my gaze. “Send for the Jarl.” I put my hand on the old man’s heart. “Your grandfather should rest. I’ll stay with him.”
He nodded, giving me a tensed smile. Very softly he ran his hand over the old man’s head. “Where will we be without his guidance?” He whispered almost noiselessly. Then his worried expression changed and he squeezed my shoulder. “I hope that you will guide us as well as he did.” He said. “I put my trust in you and our faith in your hands.”
Totally overstrained and overwhelmed, I felt a shudder going through my whole body. “If your trust in me is that high, tell the messenger to bring Idun back.” I heard myself say. “She shouldn’t be there.” To my surprise it felt nothing but right and I looked Yorick straight in the eyes.
He nodded immediately. “I will see to that.” Without asking any further question he left the room and I saw him walking down the stairs.
As soon as he was out of earshot, the old shaman suddenly drew in a breath.
“You’ll not be here to guide them, Seeress.” He gasped, but I grabbed his hand and shook my head.
“Rest now, I beg you!” I whispered back. “I will be here for as long as it takes.”
His head moved slowly from side to side. “You cannot stay.”
“Please, Bestefar, do not let this trouble you now.”
“I saw the death of many.” The old man completely ignored me and licked his dry lips. “You will leave and you will live, my child Embla. You will go back to Asgard and tell our story. Many will die but it won’t be in vain. Yorick…” is voice suddenly broke and I was about to panic when he abruptly stopped breathing.
“Bestefar!” I shook him slightly, feeling my heartbeat increasing. Oh my God! Holy Lord, please, don’t let him be dead!
Another laboured breath escaped his mouth. “Yorick will be… they will need him when his brother dies… he will…” the old man panted for air and I was quick to sit by his side and lift his upper body. God, he was so thin and frail!
“Yorick will be fine.” I assured him, carefully holding his head. “They will all be fine here. Soon they will settle and start trading, this land will be good to them.”
“You’ll have to bring him back.” The old man coughed. “Promise me that you will bring him back.”
“Bring whom back, Bestefar?” soothingly I rubbed his back.
“Yorick.” Oddgeir’s head unexpectedly dropped back and I held him close, whispering nonsense to calm him as well as myself. All of a sudden Yorick was back. He sat down next to me, taking me in his arms with the old man still resting on my shoulder.
“I am here, Farfar.” He whispered, wrapping the furs tightly around the frail body of his grandfather. “I sent word to my father, everything will be settled and I will be by your side to greet the great Odin.”

The soft glow of the fire was dancing on Yorick’s face when I woke up with a start. Quickly I tried to sit up, feeling his arms around me.
He had an exhausted smile on his lips closed his eyes, resting his back to the wall and his chin on my head.
“He died so peacefully.” Yorick suddenly whispered into the complete silence around us and I bent over, running my fingertips over the runes on Oddgeir’s relaxed face.
“He lived a long and purposeful live.” Carefully I took the old man’s arms and crossed them over his chest. “Walhalla is welcoming him.”
Yorick moved slightly behind me, getting up from the bed to stretch his back. We had during this night switched places very often, holding and comforting the old man on the bed. Oddgeir had insisted to speak to each of us in private without the other one listening. So we had after a while simply put him in the middle of the bed to have one of us sit on each side. Listening to his last words had given me goosebumps the whole night. He had told me things about his life, about things to come and about my return home. And again and again he had asked me to bring Yorick back but he never told me exactly what he meant with it. So now the old Shaman had taken his last steps towards the great hall of Odin. Sighing I put my hand on his still warm neck and lowered my head to say a little prayer myself without actually knowing to whom I was praying.
Yorick suddenly cleared his throat. Hesitantly he started to unbutton his shirt and beckoned me over with a nod. “I am in need of your assistance, Seeress.” He walked through the curtains and I followed him on my tiptoes. The whole house was asleep, almost all fires out and I heard the soft sounds of the storm outside, feeling their draft with a shiver.
Yorick was sitting on one of the free beds, fiddling with his shirt and vest in the soft light of the clear silver moon outside.
“Be careful!” I whispered, quickly helping him to get undressed. “What is it?” My fingers trailed along his shoulder and I bent down to check on his wound in the room that was almost dark despite the moonshine.
“It felt like it was bleeding again.” He whispered back and I had to take a step away from him because his warm breath was suddenly tickling the skin of my neck.
My heart was beating in my throat when I lifted his arm, slightly turning him towards the nearby window. Regardless of his lips that were still far too close to my neck, I tried to focus on his shoulder.
“It looks fine.” I managed to say, feeling goosebumps on his skin when I ran my fingertips over his upper arm.
“Are you cold?” Cautiously I put my hand on his warm chest, watching him shaking his head in the halflight of the glowing embers of our fire place.
“Can you try to reattach the bandage?” his voice sounded hoarse and he cleared his throat.
“Of course.” Trying my best to act professionally, I kneeled down on the bed beside him, rolling up the bandage. “I just need some fresh cloths.”
“No!” he held me back when I got up again. “Just take what’s there it should do.” He insisted, tilting his head. “Can I ask you something?” he suddenly said and I shrugged a little insecure.
“Of course.” I repeated. “Just put your hand forth and I will wrap this thing around you again, alright?”
He nodded slowly, his curious gaze not leaving my face. “Elida?” he then said and I felt his hand on my hip.
“What is it?” I tried to sound reasonable and competent. “Are you in pain?”
Again he only shook his head, watching me silently. “He told me to take care of you.” He whispered after a few minutes of tangible silence, looking up into my eyes. “There is darkness coming and I am to keep you safe.”
I nodded slowly, gritting my teeth when the soft cloth slipped through my trembling fingers and I had to restart for the third time. “I’m sorry!” I breathed out, trying to focus.
“What do you see?” Suddenly the rough palm of his hand was on my face. “Do you see the darkness, Seeress?” He made me look at him and I nodded, not knowing what to respond.
“Your father is so deeply surrounded by darkness, he seems to be darkness himself.” I heard myself say, feeling Yorick pulling me down to catch my eyes.
He nodded slowly, suddenly brushing his lips over my forehead. “I know.” He whispered lowly. “I promise you, I will always stand between you and him. You don’t have to fear him.” Silently he watched me for a few seconds. “Oddgeir told me that I am to take you back to your place.” He then whispered and I felt my eyes widen in surprise.
“He did?” I whispered back, letting go of his arm to simply stand in front of him and absorb the news.
Yorick nodded slowly, looking up into my eyes. “He told me to save you from this place and bring you home so the Gods could watch over you again at Asgard.”
Carefully I reached out my hand and played with the wooden pearls in his beard. “He told me the same.” I said then, watching his eyes widen in surprise now.
“You are to save me? But from what?”
“I have no idea.” My eyes had adjusted to the dark and I started searching his face. “But he also told me to bring you back.”
Yorick tilted his head. Then he suddenly sighed. “Why did he have to be so mysterious about everything?” He rested his forehead to my belly, putting his hands on his face. “What are we supposed to do? What if…”
A sudden yell from the downstairs hall made him look up and he was on his feet at an instant.
“The Jarl has fallen in battle!” a mud covered messenger came rushing in our direction when we quickly climbed down the narrow stairs. “Yorick you have to join us now!”
The man got down on his knees, pleadingly looking at Yorick. “Havar is with the Gods and we received word that Oddgeir will soon meet him at Walhalla.” His gaze found me and he bowed his head. “Your presence is of great importance, Seeress!” he whispered out of breath. “The Lady Idun has also fallen in battle but on her dying bed, she asked for you and she wants you to fire the ships when she goes on her last journey. You have to come, we need you now! Especially…” his gaze found Yorick again and he got up. “Your brother is of course out of his mind about his beloved wife’s death but he will accept his fate and honour your father’s last wishes.”
Trying his best to hold me in an upright position with his healthy arm, Yorick nodded at the messenger. “We shall all come and celebrate the death of our greatest warrior and of course drink to our new Jarl!” his eyes met mine and I saw pain and remorse. “I am sorry, Seeress, you were right after all. Do her the honours, she would be pleased. We shall celebrate their death along with all our warriors!” he waved at a few men. “Saddle the horses, prepare everything. We take the body of Oddgeir and we ride. Let us guide them all to our ancestors and celebrate their death with all the honour they deserve!”
Wrapping his arms around my shivering body, he looked down at me. “Are you alright, Seeress?” he shook me softly, putting his hand on my chin to make me look at him. “Elida?”
She was dead. Idun. Crazy, short-tempered Idun. I had seen it coming but I hadn’t stopped her. As a matter of fact, I was a very bad seeress after all. And I hated to be their guide and prophet already.
“Elida?” again Yorick shook me slightly. “You will ride with me and give them away with honour.”
“You are to bring the seeress to the Jarl. She’s to be with him.” The messenger stated and Yorick looked at him in surprise.
“With Aevarr?”  he asked and the messenger nodded. “Jarl Havar has decided that his oldest son is to marry the seeress. They shall then be the spiritual and the earthy guidance of the clan.”
Yorick’s face had turned pale but he nodded immediately. “I will honour my father’s wishes.” He said firmly, his grip around my arm tightening. “Let us all pack and get moving!” he then yelled into the hall, pulling me along.
“Where is he?” throwing gazes around the place filled with euphorically singing and celebrating warriors, he managed to get me up the stairs again.
Dead. She was dead. And so was the dark Jarl.
In a way I should have been happy, but the picture of the tall and bulky man that had only lost his wife came to my mind.
Was I really to marry him?
I had always felt that in many books and movies the authors had trotted out a hackneyed cliché with women fainting after receiving bad news. But to my surprise everything around me seemed to swirl and I sagged to my knees next to the fireplace.
Yorick was by my side instantly, not hesitating to pick me up again and shake me roughly.
“Where is he?” he asked again.
“With the hunters.” I managed to get out of my mouth with a thin voice. “They should have returned long ago.”
He nodded, grabbing me by the shoulders. The excitement downstairs was almost deafening, but I saw Yorick scanning the room with a thoughtful look in his grey eyes.
“I am to keep you safe.” He then whispered and his gaze was suddenly locked with mine. “I think that Oddgeir might have foreseen exactly this situation.” With a few hurried steps he reached the bed, putting me down. “Elida!” he hunkered down in front of me. “You have to listen very carefully now. We need to get away from this place, but right now I am their leader so I am not in the position to run.” Grabbing my chin he forced me to look at him and blink away my tears. “You are in danger. As well as your man. Since my father has decided to give you to my brother as a wife, your companion might not be of necessity any longer. So this is what we do: We pack, we saddle the horses and I will make the men ride. The hunters return, we prepare everything for their immediate departure but Ask has to get out of sight and slip away the second he gets a chance. Tell him to hide in the forest and hide well. We shall find him and the two of you are gonna leave while I and the last few men prepare my grandfather’s body for the journey. Am I making myself clear? You are to leave this place and find your companion the second I tell you.” His grip around my chin tightened and I let out a gasp of pain. When I nodded, he let go, putting his hands on each side of my face.
“I have no idea how this is going to turn out, but I can’t let my brother marry you and you won’t be happy to see your man get killed because in my father’s eyes he seemed to be a waste of space. I give you my word that I will do anything in my power to distract them and keep you safe, alright?”
Again I nodded slowly, feeling tears welling up once more. It was too much. Too much for one night, for one person to bear. Snivelling I gave another nod, unexpectedly feeling his lips on mine.
“I won’t let anything happen to you, Elida.” He whispered with his mouth still resting on mine and even grabbed me a little harder to pull me closer to his still naked chest. “Go pack a few things.” His thumb ran over my lips. “Try to stay out of sight.”
Completely confused I touched my lips, watching Yorick getting up from the floor. He handed me a coat and something that looked like a belt.
“Wait here for my return. I will arrange everything and speed up the pace.” Taking hold of my arm, he suddenly turned me around to face him again. “What do I tell him?”
A kiss, so many revelations and deaths, what was he talking about now?
“Your companion, Seeress.” His nose almost touched my ear. “What am I to tell him?”
I turned my own head slightly to whisper back. “Run.”
“Run.” He repeated and I nodded nervously.
“As simple as that. He will understand.” Throwing a look around, I found a piece of cloth on the floor and grabbed it. With a bit of effort and a burned stick I wrote “I’m safe, cu soon.”, and handed it to Yorick. “Give him that and tell him “run”.”
He nodded instantly, turning around to make his way downstairs with his long shirt in his hand, but I stopped him.
“Yorick why…”
The young man shook his head and ran his fingers through my hair. “You are not safe here and you are not safe in my father’s plans. My brother is a good man and he will be a better leader than anyone I know, but I am not watching you marry him.” With that he pulled me in for another kiss and this time I felt my arms wrapping themselves around him to hold him close for a few seconds.
“I never meant to come between you and your sacred man but right now everything seems out of control, the Gods are playing with us and I won’t let anything happen to you however insistently they are testing my faith.”
His warm breath was on my face when I lifted it to feel his lips once more. The careful kiss suddenly changed and I felt his arms around my hips, pulling me closer to his strong upper body.
“Please don’t get yourself in danger over me.” I whispered when he broke away breathlessly.
He tried to give me a smile. “My life is yours, Seeress.” Kissing my forehead, he suddenly stepped back. “From the first moment on it was yours and now you own it completely after saving me.”
His fingers squeezed mine and he pointed at the long coat. “Get dressed and wait for my return. I shall find your godly companion and make him leave this place. Then I shall find a way to bring you to safety.”

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