Dienstag, 24. Mai 2016

Chapter 9 - Welcome to my life

Really sorry for the late update!!!!

Chapter 9 
Linnea’s POV
“Damn, Lin!” Jon shook his head, bending over the table where we had been sitting, having a quick coffee before heading off to the diner. “Where did you lose it? D’you remember where you saw it the last time?”
“I don’t know!” nervously pacing up and down the living room I started biting my nails. My purse lay on the floor, my backpack as well, their contents randomly distributed across the room. “I only remember putting it in my jacket after opening the door of the apartment!” turning all the pockets of my winter jacket inside out again, I shrugged helplessly. Damn, fuck, shit!  Where had I lost my damn keys?
“Maybe I should call Nicky.” Suddenly came to my mind and I grabbed my phone from the floor. “His jacket was hanging right next to mine, maybe I put it in the wrong pocket!”
Jon only rolled his eyes but I wasn’t willing to give up, quickly dialling Nicky’s cell phone.
He didn’t answer, most probably he was still deep asleep. Well, who wouldn’t be at five in the morning? I hung up, sending a text message to explain to him that I had most probably confused our jackets and that I was looking for my keys.
Sighing I started to put all my stuff back into my bags before I got up from the floor. “I’ll find them!” I promised again, running over into Jannis’ room when I heard him cry.

My day had started off bad and it didn’t get any better. Cate called in sick and I had to take a double shift. Nicky wasn’t answering his phone the whole morning and I didn’t know how to handle the baby and the diner. It was nine when he finally called me back, making up some really weird excuses and telling me that he had to take a flight to Dublin that same day to visit a friend that wasn’t doing well. Inwardly I almost exploded, but I tried to stay calm.
“Can you maybe take a flight tonight?” I asked frustrated, running around behind the counter because the coffee-machine didn’t work properly and I was about to smash that damn thing to pieces.
He sounded reserved. “Well, maybe I could try to change my flight.” He offered reluctantly, almost making me yell at him and give him a good speech.
“Thank you.” I swallowed down the rest of my sentence and continued a little softer. “Cate is sick, I lost my keys, and I have no idea how to pick up Jannis at four because I have to work the afternoon as well.”
“No problem. Just a sec.” I heard him typing. “There is a flight tonight… at 8. Is that alright for you?”
“Sure! Thank you so much!” Out of breath and finally succeeding in preparing espresso again, I even smiled. “So I’ll see you this afternoon, right?”
“See you then. I gotta go!”
With that he hung up. Hum… he seemed distracted, maybe his friend was sick or even worse. Suddenly I felt sorry for occupying him so much. He didn’t owe me anything, Jannis wasn’t even his child! Well, but he would be if we stayed together. And he had never complained about helping me out with the baby. Even so, the bad feeling in my guts wouldn’t disappear for hours and it increased when he finally arrived at the bar at half past four. He seemed absent minded, even reserved. Most probably he took the events of the last afternoon a lot harder than I had expected and I couldn’t even be mad at him about it. It had taken all my strength to talk to Jon about the whole heartbreak that I had experienced only a few months ago and I simply didn’t have the power to re-open the case in front of Nicky, at least for a while. Most probably he wouldn’t leave me because of it, but I wanted to find the right words and maybe also wait a little longer because I didn’t want to give him the feeling that I wasn’t over Riku.
Well, obviously I wasn’t but I didn’t want him to know that it still got so close to me to even talk about him. I had left the country to make sure that I would manage to finally close the subject ‘happily ever after’ with the father of my child. Maybe it would take some time, but I would one day be able to look at Jannis and only smile because I saw my son, not the man that had left me and that had unintentionally broken my heart and even taken the pieces with him, to wherever he was now. One day. Maybe I would one day have another child. Hopefully a girl with blue eyes, just like Nicky’s.
I couldn’t help smiling broadly at him when he took off his jacket and the opened the baby sling to put Jannis down on the floor. The little boy was quick to get on all fours, squealing and making his way over to the counter. I picked him up, my free hand reaching out towards Nicky. “Thank you so much!” I whispered, pressing my lips into his soft kiss. “D’you want coffee?” carefully my fingers ran over his cheek before I pulled him in for another kiss. Offence is the best defence, right? And I needed to make sure that he knew how much he meant to me, even though I still wasn’t able to go the whole way.
He stepped back, suddenly there was a brief flicker of a smile on his face but he cocked his eyebrows in surprise. “Coffee would be great.” He said close to my ear, his husky voice causing goose bumps all over my back.
Shifting my face a little, I kissed his neck. “Coffee it is.” I whispered with a smile.
He followed me behind the counter, taking Jannis up on his arm. “I’m really sorry that I have to leave so suddenly!” he stated, nodding at his jacket, changing the subject within the twinkle of an eye. “I found your keys, they actually were in my jacket, where d’you want me to put them?”
“Thank God!” I gave him a tight hug, exhaling in relief. “Damn, I am so stupid sometimes!”
“Well…” he smiled, softly rocking Jannis. “It wasn’t your fault, it was a mix up, nothing more!”
“I have to be more careful!” I insisted, putting hot milk into his cup to hand the coffee over to him. “During the last months, I… well, since Jannis was born, I didn’t get much sleep and all the work for the diner, it is a lot for my body and brain to be honest!”
“You are quite used to burning the midnight oil, aren’t ya?”
“Well, actually I have been like that all my life, but most of the time I didn’t have a job that forced me out of bed in the middle of the night!” shrugging a little discontent, I sipped my own coffee. “And, since that damn little cutie on your arm won’t stop making demands on breast milk, I won’t be able to drink more coffee to help my brains work a little better and faster!”
Nicky grinned, his gaze running down a few inches from my eyes.
I broke into laughter. “Are you now seriously staring at my boobs?”
He laughed along with me. “They are great! Can you blame me?”
“I won’t!” softly I patted his chest, leaning in for another kiss. “You should have seen them a few years ago, all firm and stout!”
I knew it the second the words came out of my mouth: He wouldn’t take that joke easily. We had not talked about yesterday, the call, its results and consequences for us. We had not talked about my past, Riku, my feelings. Damn, I was bad with relationships!
“Come on, let’s sit for a bit.” I said quickly, beckoning him over. “How is your friend doing?”
Luckily the diner was almost empty but I knew that it would soon be filled with commuters on their way back home from work. Maybe we had a few minutes until then.
“He’s not so well.” Nicky answered, staring down in his coffee.
“What happened?” I asked concerned, putting my hand on his arm.
“He… well, he… he lost someone and I was told that he is right now under medical treatment, sad story.” Still staring into his cup, Nicky shrugged. “Maybe I can talk to him.” He flashed a gaze at me. “I really want to understand him and give him the chance to have someone to talk to.” Suddenly his eyes were almost locked with mine. “Maybe I can solve this.”
“Only a true friend would try that.” I affirmed, smiling at him. “D’you still have time? Tess will be here early, I asked her to come at five, maybe we could then grab a bite and leave? You surely need help packing, don’t you?” giving him another smile I got up, but he grabbed my hand.
“Maybe I should…” he started, suddenly changing his mind, nodding. “Thanks.” He simply said, but his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes.


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